Sunday, April 17, 2005

After The FALL

To quoute our fabuluous and faithfull friends, the French, "the more things change, the more they remain the same!" Have we entered a different world after the fall of the World Trade Towers? Or have we come full circle back to the hell of the 1950's, where McCarthy witch hunters and right-wing paranoids reined supreme?

Recently the Secret Service was called to the campus of a college in Chicago to view some "objectional artwork" that was being displayed. They took photos and asked for contact information for the artists.

Tom DeLay, the new "Corrupt Midget" in Congress, is using the Terry Chiavo case to go after what he labels "activist judges". I guess no one deemed it necessary to call the Feds to inquire about his veiled but very loud threats against these Federal Officers.

Remember Sportsfans, the price of freedom is eternal vigilance. When the body politic of this country tilts too far to the right or left, we are all in perill.


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